Purposeful activity continues...
Napkin folding...
Residents Vivien, Veronica and Maggie helped staff member James fold the napkins to place them in the drawer, ready for setting the tables at lunch and supper. Veronica said that she loved getting things ready for setting up the table. She explained that during dinner time at her house she would expect her boys to help her set the table and they folded the napkins and placed the knife and fork on top perfectly. The conversation then went onto table manners with Maggie mentioning that it is good manners to have your napkin placed on your lap while at the table and to hold your fork in the left hand and knife in your right hand; always to chew with your mouth closed and never leave the table without being excused. Vivien agreed and smiled.

Knitting club...
The knitting club is starting to gain popularity again. Beatrice, Veronica, Kathleen, Eileen E. and Barbara engaged in a session of reminiscing with each other whilst knitting. Beatrice said she used to make scarves and blankets with lots of flowers and designs; she would knit with her friends and they would enjoy having tea and biscuits, chatting for hours. She also said that she loved knitting floral designs from France, especially the “Fleur-de-lis” which is the white lily flower. Kathleen said her expertise was to make baby boots and little woolly jumpers for newborns. She said: “I loved making them in all different colours, especially in blue”. Eileen E. said that her mother was a master at knitting and taught her everything she knows. She said “it takes a clever and patient lady to knit, as you need to be quick with your fingers and never miss a stitch”. Barbara said she was not a great lover of knitting until much later in her life when she would enjoy watching.

Board games...
For each card game played, there are often simultaneously several levels of understanding, depending on the progression of dementia of the players. Staff determine what is going on each day, as this can be different for each person. Sorting seems to be what Residents Jean, Carolyn and Brenda enjoy doing most. Brenda however only participates when she is “on a break”.
Peter and John really enjoy their puzzles and animal bingo. Peter is rather competitive and always wants to finish his puzzle first, to get started on the next one. Peter and Jane have regular puzzle relays and Jane is always a good sport and smiles when Peter proudly wins.
Gerald was enjoying his afternoon on animal bingo, matching the different dogs to the cards in his hands; he said “My goodness, where did all of these different kinds of dogs come from? Could you imagine looking after all these dogs and the amount of money it would cost to take care of them all?” Gerald continued to say that the dogs he was most familiar with when he was a child were: Labrador, cocker spaniel and beagle.

Bath time at the Devonshire...
Staff member Nassim created a doll bathing activity, which delighted Residents Eileen S., Muriel and Vivien. Each person had their own basin with warm water, soap and a flannel. Eileen commented that it had been a long time since she had bathed anyone, and she laughed happily. All three ladies proceeded gently with great confidence and knew exactly how to bathe…. the dolls looked lovely after their pampering, which included hair wash.