• Drama therapy for residents living with dementia

    Drama therapy for residents living with dementia

15/05/2017, 15:25

October News...


We used small doll furniture and figurines and created stories that delighted both Residents and staff. The Residents who participated thoroughly enjoyed the experience for a short while and participated enthusiastically.


Our Residents really enjoy going out daily on the fresh air drives and sometimes even twice a day! This month we have visited Ham, Wimbledon Common, Kingston town centre and Richmond Park, where Residents enjoyed feeding ducks and watching the ferries pass by. The highlight of last month’s fresh air drives was watching the parade of horses pass through Richmond Park. Residents also look forward to refreshments served on the drive. Now that the cooler weather is here, it is usually tea and biscuits.

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Drama therapy for residents living with dementia
Drama therapy for residents living with dementia